jQuery Animate Body Scroll For All Browsers Aug 9, 2013 How to use jQuery's animate and scrollTop on main body of a page.
Sort Solr Facets on Per Field Basis Jul 29, 2013 How to sort solr facets on a per field basis ...
Chrome Webfont Mimetypes Jul 1, 2013 As a web developer whose browser of choice is Google Chome, I use the Chrome console a lot. Chrome is already the best browser out there and always getting better. More than the browsing experience though, I maintain that it has the best dev environment available. It is the little things that really make Chrome so much better than its compeditors (docking to the right for instance). As if you needed any more reasons to like Chrome, the Chrome team just pushed an update to ‘clean up the console. ...
IE10 Conditional Comments Jun 29, 2013 Let me start by saying that I was very excited by IE10. Internet Explorer 10 was supposed to be the premier IE web browser. Microsoft was so confident that they created a browser that could meet modern standards that they dropped conditional comments in IE10. If you don’t know anything about developing for IE, just know that it sucks; it was, however, aleviated some by conditional comments that allowed for custom styles/js/whatever for IE versions. ...
Symfony2 Coding Standards Apr 30, 2013 With eZ Publish moving to Symfony2, I found that I was in need of learning some new coding standards. I never really looked into PHP CodeSniffer while doing eZ Publish development (most of my code was in the templates), so I never really thought about PHP CodeSniffer as an option until starting work with Symphony2. To the point, I just wanted to share the Symfony2 PHP CodeSniffer Coding Standard on Github. ...
New Site Theme Apr 15, 2013 I have been working on getting a new site theme up and running for a while now. My hold up was that I could never commit to a platform. I knew that I wanted off Wordpress and onto something more developer friendly. Originally I was going to put this site on eZ Publish, but that just seemed like overkill. Next I thought about creating a Symfony2 blog, but I wanted to cheapen my hosting options so I opted against Symfony2. ...
Start Searching with Solr - Integrating Solr into any PHP project is easy with Solarium Mar 15, 2013 Solr has quickly become one of the most popular search engines available. Solarium, a PHP Solr Client, takes Solr further by abstracting the Solr API. ...
Symfony2 Access Control Mar 2, 2013 I am very new to Symfony development. While developing a side project app I found I needed to control access to a certain area to logged in users only. Based on my previous development history I was expecting to have to determine if a user was logged in via the controller. I figured I would need to find an is_logged_in boolean and use it to determine user access control. What I found while doing my development is that Symfony2 takes care of access control in a much more eloquent way. ...
eZ Publish 5 - First Thoughts Jan 19, 2013 I finally decided on my first eZ Publish 5 project… my site of course. I am currently in the middle of upgrading my wordpress install to eZ Publish. Honestly, I don’t really need anything more than a simple Wordpress install, but it will be nice to get an eZ5 site under my belt. Seeing as I am in the middle of development, there have been a few bumps in the development road that I have found and would like to share. ...
Optimizing Solr To Fit Your Needs Part 2 Dec 7, 2012

I am finally taking the time to write about optimizing the Solr schema file. In my last post I showed that eZ Find already ships with a default search field called ezf_df_text. The downside of searching one field is that field needs to be controlled, and the only way it can be controlled is by manually editing the Solr schema file. As you might expect, eZ Find does not control this file very well out of the box.
